The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15741   Message #142699
Posted By: Marion
30-Nov-99 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: boys won't date girls who smoke
Subject: RE: BS: boys won't date girls who smoke
I can't speak for young men, but I'm a young woman (27). I wouldn't get involved with a man who smoked tobacco, did drugs other than pot, or ate meat. Alcohol-drinking, pot-smoking, and egg/dairy eating I could live with in moderation, but someone who walked the straight edge would be ideal.

I don't mean that I would never go out to a concert or something with anyone who didn't fit my criteria; I mean I wouldn't enter into a serious relationship with them.

This may sound picky to you, but I think it's important to know what you want and have ground rules. It's all about compatibility of values and priorities. And there's probably some evolutionary instinct at work telling me to look for a man who will be alive, healthy, and potent for as long as possible...
