The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78945   Message #1427018
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
04-Mar-05 - 09:22 PM
Thread Name: Records you're Still Looking For
Subject: RE: Records you're Still Looking For
I'm really fascinated to read these posts. It's not surprising that there are particular records that mean so much to each of us.

My niece's son, and I when he was about fifteen got into exchanging music. He wanted to hear all sorts of stuff and was pretty open minded about it. He had friends who started a Punk-Ska band and he wanted to hear more of the old ska and reggae, so I sent him a whole batch of cassettes of jazz, soul, rhythm and blues, folk, black gospel, reggae, ska... you name it. In return, he sent me a cassette that he put together titled "Music We lived Our Lives By." I thought it was SO great that a fifteen year old kid already realized his life had a soundtrack. So, I did one of my own and sent it to him.

Think I'll start a thread on this...
