The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79000   Message #1427510
Posted By: MudGuard
05-Mar-05 - 04:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: More German/Aussie Misogyny/Pedophilia
Subject: RE: BS: More German/Aussie Misogyny/Pedophelia
The US is the best place if you want to be imprisoned without any trial.
All you need is arabic ancestors, and you win a free trip to Guantanamo bay.

Oh, you do not even need to travel to the US, you can get your torture in your own country (you just need to live in a country that has some oil - like Iran or Iraq).

If you want to have your kids shot while at school, send them to the US - in no other country the risk for that is higher.

I could go on for some while but I stop here because it is silly.

Before you accuse the people of any foreign country, get your own acts clean.

MudGuard, quite angry
(from Munich, Germany)
(please excuse any mistakes/misspellings in my English, I am not a native speaker)