The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78945   Message #1428878
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
07-Mar-05 - 11:12 AM
Thread Name: Records you're Still Looking For
Subject: RE: Records you're Still Looking For

A couple of years ago, I went in to a large retail electronics store to buy a new phonograph needle. When I told the salesperson what I was looking for, he went bovine on me... just looked at me blanky. All that was missing was the cud. When I said, "Phonographs... you know, those flat black things you put on a turntalbe, and they go around and around?" And he gave me an even more confused expression. "They have a hole in the middle, like CDS, but they're a lot bigger and the hole is a lot smaller." Still blank. After he told me that they didn't have any, I went and found them myself. Before I left, I showed them to him so he'd know the next time.

I felt like I was asking for coal for the eyes of my snowman.
