The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79044   Message #1430759
Posted By: Tannywheeler
09-Mar-05 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: Cranky Yankee Fighting Cancer Again
Subject: RE: BS: Cranky Yankee Fighting Cancer Again
Darn that C-word. Nastiest word in the English language. Killed both of my parents and 2 grands.
My cousin's son had an agressive brain tumor (malignant). This was about 10-12 years ago. Surgery and chemo and radiation were employed, with concommitent illness and weakness. For several years everyone's first question was "How did your last checkup go?" We've been able to stop asking and just keep rejoicing in his still being with us. New daughter born to him and his wife about 2 yrs after the surgery. He's a great dad. He just keeps soaring through life giving us all great joy. Hope you can obey Jesus: "Go thou, and do likewise."          Tw