The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73264   Message #1431011
Posted By: GUEST,Blind DRunk in Blind River
09-Mar-05 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: NON-Partisan political comments
Subject: RE: BS: NON-Partisan political comments
Okay. I am not sure, like, what the flip you people are goin' on about here but...

Waht I want to say is that you can all flippin' vote fer me when I flippin' run fer office on the independent tikcet. And I will. I have decided to take the bull by the flippin' mungoberries and throw my hat in the ring, eh? In the next election. Whenever that is.

You will know my hat by the flippin' logo. It says, "I'm with the idiot -->". Either that or I will use the hat that says, "Go Leafs Go!". Whichever.

My plattform is simple. I will guarnatee that there will be enuff beer for everyone for the next 10 years even if there is a World shortage, meanin'...eveyone in my consistuency will have all the beer they can flippin' drink even if Quebec ain't got none at all! Let 'em drink water, eh? That'll teach them frogs to put up and shut up.

I will also make sure that there is lap dancing in every mucinipalaty totally legal, eh? NO more prudism!

That's my plan. I figger to get outta jail pretty soon. Maybe next month, eh? That's if Snake don't try to kill me. If he does, I will have to get tough with him and that could spoil my good behavier record, eh? I hope that does not happen.