The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79133   Message #1431132
Posted By: Bobert
09-Mar-05 - 09:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dan Rather Takes Bullet....
Subject: BS: Dan Rather Takes Bullet....
Well, Lee Atwater would certainly be proud tonight. Yup, The Bush's won't have Dan Rather to kick around anymore. And more importantly to the Bushes, vice versa...

Yeah, Dan really messed up during Bush I's administration for nailing him on Iran/contra arms-for-hostages deal and this has bugged the Bushes ever since...

So this time around the ghost of Lee Atwater tells one of Bush's dirty trick guys to plant some phony documents and hope that Rather bites... But make it look real good 'cause Dan is a little long in the tooth and been around. Come to think of it Dan Rather waa dodging bullets in Nam while "frat boy" was dodging his Guard duty... But that don't matter none 'cause it worked just like Lee Atwater would have drawn it it up. Rather took the bait and so he's out of the Bush's hair...

And though it ain't like I gotta a lotta love fir Dan Rather, I do respect the fact that over the years he has never been shy in putting himself in harms way to get the story... I just find it interesting that after dodgin' bullets from out enemies for going on 40 years that the one that hit him was from supposed "friendly fire"...

God Speed, Dan and...

as per usual, Devil's speed to Bush and his band of thugs... They'll all rot in Hell...
