The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79044   Message #1431207
Posted By: seagoddess
09-Mar-05 - 11:36 PM
Thread Name: Cranky Yankee Fighting Cancer Again
Subject: RE: BS: Cranky Yankee Fighting Cancer Again
FROM: JODY - "Wow, that's wonderful - some of the nicest folks on earth, them Mudcatters..and notes from all over the world, too!"

FROM: DONNA - "Please post a very big 'thank you' from us both and say that as soon as one of us can, we will be online and thank them ourselves."

And from me: I delivered your greetings today, read each and every one to Jody and Donna. I felt so honored to deliver the words of compassion and encouragement you all entrusted to me. Thank you for responding, participating, and most of all for your continuing support and prayers. I am joyful witness to the difference you all made today in their lives - they were both deeply touched. Donna said she could feel positive energy coming their way and that it strengthened her..."yes," Jody agreed. And then he said something that made me think that he just might make it after all: "I sure know what it feels like when someone sends nasty energy my way! And yeah, this feels good!" Personally, I'll know that he's truly okay when I hear him grumbling and sputtering again - no one can do it quite like the Cranky Yankee.

Healthwise: To me Jody seems stronger; alert, peaceful, and working hard at getting well. I'll drop in here and post updates whenever I can, until Donna or Jody can do it themselves, that is. So keep those cards and letters coming folks; I'll gladly drive the 2 hours to deliver them every few days for you! And I do have a mailing address for them - you can PM me for that.
