The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78903   Message #1431460
Posted By: mooman
10-Mar-05 - 08:10 AM
Thread Name: EuroGathering 2005 Countdown
Subject: RE: EuroGathering 2005 Countdown are some more lodging possibilities for those who are not catered for yet (with apologies in advance to francophones like Emma and Andreas for the lack of accents on my keyboard and my complete ignorance of the appropriate ASCII codes for them!)...

All are "chambres d'hotes":

Chantal et Michel Frere
12 rue du Port
85420 Le Mazeau (about 2 or 3 km from La Garenne farmhouse)

Tel: +33 2 51 529549

Le Pot a Lait
M et Mme Guttierez Leroy
23 rue du port Grenouillet (special prize for the person who can pronouce "grenouillet" correctly!)
Ste. Christine
85490 Benet (probably about 6 km from La Garenne)

Tel: +33 2 51 529381

Le Petit Paradis
Marie-Noelle Houche
La Meugne
85490 Benet

Tel/Fax: +33 2 51 009910

Ferme de la Longee
Eric et Nicole Barbace
14 route du Mazeau
Damvix (about 2 km from La Garenne)

Tel: +33 2 51 871204

I hope with La Bosselle in Damvix, details of which I posted earlier and where some are already booked (and where we will have our Saturday night), these will satisfy the needs of those still in search of inexpensive accomodation. If you don't have luck with these, I have the details of other that are slightly further way (but still quite close).

If anyone without their own independent transport want to visit La Rochelle (e.g. on Saturday when there's a market) or other nearby places they fancy, let me know and we'll see what we can arrange.

