The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79089   Message #1432032
Posted By: Jimmy C
11-Mar-05 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: IRA offers to shoot suspects
Subject: RE: BS: IRA offers to shoot suspects
Guest " Meself alone" - please read my posting again. I did not suggest anything of the sort. I did say that it was utterly stupid for the I.R.A. to suggest such action. However I do believe that an entire organization can only be held responsible when individual members are carrying out the orders of the organization, and that does not appear to be the case. If you are to blame the organization then not only the I/R.A. but also the British Army, The R.U.C - The U.V.F etc should be responsible when any member crosses the line.

If you were to read some of my postings on earlier topics re Ireland you would see that I beiieve the I.R.A. was reborn out of necessity. If the nationalist communities had been able to feel safe in their homes, and feel protected by the police etc, then there would have been no need for the I.R.A. but that did not happen. Loyalists squads were intent on burning and mayhem and were aided and abetted by members of the security forces (not all of them of course) but enough to propel the nationalist areas to take care of themselves. Even the British Army did not help, they were only there a short while when they became bigger threats than the loyalists. It is clear that no matter what Sinn Fein does it will never be good enough for the loyalists politicians and I also do not believe that the Unionist Political Parties are not connected to the Loyalist Paramilitaries either. Where is you condemation and ouutrage when loyalists are being killed by loyalists , which happens more often than many people know, is that more loyalists house cleaning.

only ones responsible for this murder are the people who were involved in the fight and the stabbing, it does not matter that they were I.R.A./ U.V.F/ Masons/ Knights of Columbus/Mennonites/ Jehovah Witnesses or whatever, this was individuals and had nothing to do with any organization. In short - it has nothing to do with the I.R.A., but the authorities see things like this as an opportunity to further discredit Sinn Fein and they use all their resources ( Newspapers/ Radio/ Television etc). to do so.

Also, in the case of the bank robbery, Can you honestly tell me of one other country in the western world where an organization can be punished based on suspicion - because there has been no hard proof offered to the public to date. It is easy enough to claim that it is a security matter, that covers up a lot, if they had any real substantial proof it would have been on the front page of every newspaper in the world, but that has not happened. Get the proof before you all come forward with the accusations.