The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79256   Message #1434191
Posted By: MBSLynne
14-Mar-05 - 05:14 AM
Thread Name: Hey! I CAN sing!
Subject: Hey! I CAN sing!
Ok..I've been singing in folk club singaround type things for about 25 years, but I've never had much confidence in my singing and considered myself a very second rate singer. I do it for my own enjoyment and am happy that people will be polite enough to let me. Having such shaky confidence, it takes very little to knock it back even further and over the years some people have done that....a 'friend' who thought he knew all about music told me I sing slightly sharp, someone else said "Well you may not be the greatest singer in the world..." which is true, but taken by me to mean I'm rubbish. I thought...well, if I practise more I could be a BIT better, cos practice does that. Then I thought...if I record myself, I can hear where I'm going wrong and perhaps put some of it right. So I did...and I was really pleased! I'm not such a bad singer after all! Ok, I couldn't be professional and I doubt if anyone would ever go anywhere just to listen to me, but I'm ok! Nothing to be shy or embarassed or diffident about when I sing. There are still an awful lot of people better than me, but there are also quite a few who sing regularly and happily, who are no better. Hooray! I feel really good! Now I shall go out and od it more often!

Love Lynne