The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79256   Message #1434247
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
14-Mar-05 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: Hey! I CAN sing!
Subject: RE: Hey! I CAN sing!
the best thing I read about singing was in a review of a workshop for folks who "could not" sing. Everyone can sing, it's just that some of us sing to a different harmony.

Someone must have told me years ago I could not sing, I don't remember who or when, but I knew I couldn't.

Well, I mean singing along with the radio or records at home is not really singing, is it? but I couldn't do it in public, not with all the real singers around, cos I can't hold a tune on my own.

Fortunately the first time I sang along with the audience at a folk club & the sopranos nearby looked down their noses at my quiet effort, I just sang a bit softer & didn't allow their sniffs to squash me.

Now any chorus going includes my voice & I spend a lot of time in singing sessions & still sing along with my CDs.

I still can't hold a tune on my own, but that doesn't stop me singing & no-one ever will - the people have songs.


The People have songs - Miguel Heatwole

Here voices are tuned to each other in gladness
To all here in common affection belongs
Hear joy and laughter meet keening and sadness
Here tyranny's cursed for the people have songs

Let us set the room ringing with the sound of our singing
When we come to the end let us hold the chord long
Hear the harmonies rise and all close our eyes
'Til the last cadence dies the people have songs.

Here is war parting sweethearts
Here are strong sweating sailors
And poets for beauty who ardently long
Here are people at work singing loud at their labours
Here are marriage & drinking for the people have songs


Respect for each other gives each one a hearing
And whether the voice be uncertain or strong
We listen with love if the heart is endearing
Supported in harmony the people have songs


Distaining oppression like others before us
Our gentleness angered by history's wrongs
Our tradition endures, and our voices in chorus
Are lifted in hope for the people have songs.

