The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79256   Message #1434413
Posted By: GUEST
14-Mar-05 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: Hey! I CAN sing!
Subject: RE: Hey! I CAN sing!
I remember Migeul singing it in the Middle Bar - it was one of those goosebump songs; the sort you hear for th first time and feel as though you'\ve known it all your life.
And Lynne, of course you can sing. I've heard you, and you're a darned sight better than a fair few I've heard in the Middle Bar.
As for being 'slightly sharp'; horsefeathers! Compared to what, for heaven's sake? A pub full of noisy b*ggers. Confidence, lass, that's all you need - and keep singing. I'd like to hear you sing more - though a black polythene mute may not be a good idea ;-)