The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79281   Message #1434787
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
14-Mar-05 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Baseball, Steroids & Congress
Subject: RE: BS: Baseball, Steroids & Congress
If they go before the committee and it is ever proved that any of these guys lied to Congress, then their butts are fried. There is absolutely nothing good about these hearings for any of them, and when you look at the list of those subpoenaed, even this non-fan of baseball recognizes cherry-picking when she sees it. That said, WTF does the Congress want to do this for? Sleight of hand to distract everyone from what Dubya is doing in Iraq, or threatening in Iran or Syria? Or someplace else? Or some other natural disaster, like meddling with Social Security? (The only trouble Social Security is in right now is that Dubya wants to find a way to divert billion$ to his friends in the private sector for those "private accounts.")