The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79299   Message #1435129
Posted By: IanC
15-Mar-05 - 06:27 AM
Thread Name: White Horse, Hertford - Sunday 20th Mar.
Subject: White Horse, Hertford - Sunday 20th Mar.
The next session at The White Horse, Hertford is Sunday, 20th March, at 1:30pm(ish).

At the moment, the nature of the session is still very much dependent on who turns up, though it's recovering quite nicely from having been in the doldrums for a while.

The White Horse often tends to start off with instrumental music and then develop in other directions. Lots of communal singing, though with the usual guitar and banjo accompaniment. I think (and very much hope) that it's developing into a family-friendly session with children not only welcome but contributing fully.

Hope to see you on 20th March.

Some changes in sessions at Hertford since the last White Horse session ... the "Millstream" seems to have developed a little (see the thread) and appears to be coming on. The "Great Eastern" session on Thursday evenings has collapsed totally. Was quite a big session, but the change in landlady and the fact that Dave (who ran it) got fed up with all the hassle they seemed to be getting, means he's pulled it. No replacement at the moment, it appears.
