The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #46999   Message #1435881
Posted By: robomatic
16-Mar-05 - 05:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: part II Forgotten TV series
Subject: RE: BS: part II Forgotten TV series
When I was a kid there was show on (US) which in retrospect was about as innocent as a show can be, yet with that little touch of implied larceny. The way i remember it was a young man with no money was getting a college education by simply attending classes, in other words, an unregistered auditer. The classes on TV were never crowded, so the implication was he wasn't really stealing anything, he was merely 'smelling the stew'. But the college was aware of him, and someone would always be chasing him (of course, at that conclusion of each class when he'd had time to impress the prof with his intelligence.
There was also an implied irony that the kid ran so fast they never could catch him and the coach would've arranged a scholarship for him if only he'd stay still long enough to listen!
For years I remembered the show as "Run Buddy Run" but according to that was a different show about a man on the lam from gangsters. So I don't know what the show was called.