The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23203   Message #1436507
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
16-Mar-05 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Miserlou
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Miserlou
Edward Lear is prized by collectors of books about travels; his writing is clear and readable almost 150 years after his travels.
He is best known today for his "Nonsense Songs and Stories," still in print. In that volume is a poem to which Lear set music called "The Pelicans." I have thought about posting it in Mudcat.
First verse and chorus:
King and Queen of the Pelicans we;
No other birds so grand we see!
None but we have feet like fins!
With lovely leathery throats and chins!

Ploffskin, Pluffskin, Pelican jee!
We think no birds so happy as we!
Plumpskin, Ploshkin, Pelican jill!
We think so then, and we thought so still!