The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73168   Message #1436978
Posted By: Hawker
17-Mar-05 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: Miskin at Easter 2005
Subject: RE: Miskin at Easter 2005
H Miskinites,
Bad news here I am afraid, or good news, depending on who you are and how you look at it!
I will be unable to come to Miskin!!!!!!
Sorry, No Corn Dolly workshops from me this year.
Do have a go at lace making though, its fantastic! and Jillie and the lace babes are lovely! (so Kevin says)
I go a phone call this morning telling me that I am going into Hospital on Wednesday and having my long awaited knee op. I will be home Thursday, but remembering the last op on the other knee, wont be feeling like festivalling until at least Monday and definately not upto running a workshop.
I shall sit with a bottle of port and my feet up and think of you all.
Have a great time, I know it will be brilliant and I am Gutted to miss it, but delighted that I am getting my knee sorted too!!!!! mixed emotions!
Cheers, Lucy