The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77720   Message #1437004
Posted By: GUEST,Mini Miskin Man (Toby Jackson)
17-Mar-05 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: Alternative British Folk Awards 2005
Subject: RE: Alternative British Folk Awards 2005
In regards to Splott mans comments and a previous question about the album name, firsly the last i heard Jeff was an English Teacher and not an art teacher, which explains why his songs are quite as cleverly written as they are. Also it explains the name of the album
So Many Words, being an english teacher imagine all the essays to mark... urgh
Anyway, thats my two pence
and also:
Vote Miskin at Easter and for my dad - Andy Jackson
Oooh, can we add another category this/next year, in the world of high-techery could there be nominations for best folk website?

i nominate obviously
