The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15696   Message #143701
Posted By: Benjamin
02-Dec-99 - 01:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: WTO
Subject: RE: BS: WTO
Hey, you wanted the insiders look, you got it! The truth is that the people who are really aimed at the ending slave labor etc. are almost a minority. Some guy flew in from Europe appearently to lead an anti meat protest which trashed a McDonalds while it was running. I myself don't like McDonalds, but they have created an anything goes enviroment. I didn't say the enviromental protesters were ones who dropped the litter (though I'm sure they did their share) I said they created the enviroment which others felt that trashing the city was okay. As for oil spills, I agree that if you continue to drive a car, your contributing. They aren't going to stop that! Just creat more air polution then there needed to be! Mike Billo, you have oviously never breathed in tear gas. Sure there is a bigger picture here. And maybe you can't make an omlet without breaking a few eggs. Man though, you think differently when that "egg" is your home. Why don't we have somebody respond now who has had> a group of nomads come in, trash their city ad force the mayor, governer, etc. to call a state of emergency! I have a hunch that this hasn't happened to anyone in between my two posts!