The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79364   Message #1437524
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
18-Mar-05 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: History - BBC's 'Singing Together'
Subject: RE: History - BBC's 'Singing Together'
I'm so glad that Limpits' school prefers to make their own music and has a very talented group of teachers to help them. Her school has 4 choirs, an orchestra, recorder groups, put on at least one music concert a year and a music/drama show a term. Not a 'Singing Together' booklet or 'music and movement' torture session to be seen!

Oh, and this is just a primary (nursery age to 11yrs) school, 3 choirs cover years 2-6 (6-11yrs) and the fourth is made up of teachers, parents and grandparents. Philip Glass and Salvador Dali would be proud of the orchestral arrangements created by the children themselves - last Monday's effort had 'Yellow Submarine' with whale noises and barking dogfish interludes.