The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79133   Message #1438083
Posted By: Bobert
18-Mar-05 - 09:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dan Rather Takes Bullet....
Subject: RE: BS: Dan Rather Takes Bullet....
Yo, Dougie... Book you a flight to D.C. and I'll pick yer Bushite butt up at the airport and take you for sa little tour of an America that you know nothin' about... After you see it once you won't need a refresher course... And you'll know forever more that your hero, Bush, is a mirage... He doesn't have a clue about America or what it takes to be an American...

I'm beginning to wonder about you, as well...

Yeah, you can wish that every American had the same chance to suceed and had a right to happiness but then there's the real world... I know about the real world and would very much love to share it with you, Dougie... I know you have a good heart... Just bad information... Yeah, book the flight. I'll put you and Mrs. Dougie up in our guest room and take you, and the Mrs. if you like, on a tour of an America that you know *absolutely* nothing about. If you did, you wouldn't say some of the stuff you say here...

