The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15696   Message #143813
Posted By: reggie miles
02-Dec-99 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: WTO
Subject: RE: BS: WTO
Peter T. and friends, Thanks for your concern and yes I'm alright. Lack of sleep being my only real loss. Many others have given up much more to this cause. I'm feeling a little sad after reading some of the comments that this thread has polarized some of us here. That was not my intention.

As I walked out into the sea of demonstrators from where I had parked in the Market my heart began to beat faster. I remember feeling a bit like a surge of adrenalin was heightening my senses. I wanted to get to the front lines of the demonstration to see first hand exactly what was taking place. The numbers of participants began to swell. For several blocks in every direction one could see people gathering drawn as I was to wittness this event. The vast majority of these were just like me there to only lend support by our presence. Eager to view and observe and be apart of this most unusual event. Many carried recording devices, still and video cameras, from news crews with much more impressive gear and huge fuzzy microphones on poles down to the disposable cardboard instamatics. Many were willing to brave the abusive overreactionary tactics of the authorities just to capture it on film so we could all bear witness to our system of freedom at work. We all stood about or wandered here and there to see for ourselves what was transpiring. There was no end to the various approaches to or participation in the event. At one intersection a group of demonstrators had chained themselves the a platform which was weighted with cement. This later became a makeshift stage for performers. I watched a dance troop perform while on lookers sang Amazing Grace quietly. Many streets were blocked by people locking arms together and standing quietly. Nowhere did I see any of the participants of the demonstrations brandishing weapons of any kind. Neither were any of the people wearing protective clothing like body armor in antipation of any sort of serious confrontation with the authorities. The only piece of protective gear that was evident among some of the protestors and demonstrators were gas masks. The demonstrators did not carry offensive weapons (weapons like knives or guns or concussion genades or tear gas or pepper spray or armored personnel carriers etc.) to engage in any sort battle with authorities only cameras to record the violence perpetrated on them by the police. The people occupying intersections were the first targets of the authorities. Without warning they fired at those gathered there. Some fled while others stood their ground. I'm afraid and a bit ashamed to admit I was among the former group who fled from the gas canisters, concussion grenades, rubber bullets, pepper spray and other, though not lethal, nevertheless very painful methods used against those peacefully ocupying the streets there last Tuesday.

I've got to get ready for my gig tonight more of this later. Thanks again for the concerns you've all posted here.