The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79413   Message #1438277
Posted By: Bobert
19-Mar-05 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Subject: RE: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
First of all, since Hubby mentioned me in this thread, I like to clear up one point. I am very much a boni-fide musican and many Catters have heard me play...

Second, when it comes to numbers, it's tough to put a handle on the actual numbers as the Bush ahministration is doing everything in its powers to keep these numbers from seeing the light of day but...

The Pentagon bragged after the initial invasion that it had flown over 30,000 sorties. A sortie is an air strike. In other words, over 30,000 bombs of some sort were dropped on on a country the size of Texas, most of them in densely populated areas. Now I know that they like to brag that some of these bombs were smart bombs but if that smart bomb just happens to land next to you there ain't nuthoin' yoo smart about it!!!

So we have over 30,000 bombs dropped over a populated area. Now, let throw in the millions of tank, artillery and small arms rounds being fired in this populated country and it becomes apparent that if only 20,000 people died then God Hisself was certainly redirecting one heck of a lot of bombs and bullets away from people...

I mean, think about it. This don't take a Wes Ginny Slide rule to figure out here, folks...

And lastly, yeah Pearl Harbor and 9/11 really sucked. They were carried out by some purdy danged God-less and evil people. Sho nuff were. So was the invasion of Iraq... Same mentality... I don't blame the troops but I do hold Bush, Cheney, Rice, Powell, Wolfowitz, Pearle, Kerry, Clinton, etc. accountable...

And fir gosh sakes, hubby, pleeeease stop falsely associating me with Democrats, thank you... That blank ballot statement with "Gore and Kerry" reference was out of bounds. I am a Green Party guy and have no more use for Kerry than I have for Bush... If you make that reference again I will start making references to you and Adolf Hitler of Charles Manson. Would you like that? No, I didn't think so. Plus, when you do rhose kinds of things it just adds to an image that you are ignorant of the facts. I have stated my Green-ness here going back a long time so, knock it off. Okay?
