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Thread #79411   Message #1438311
Posted By: GUEST
19-Mar-05 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vegetative Woman Shuts Down US Gov't...
Subject: RE: BS: Vegatative Woman Shuts Down US Gov't...
I stand corrected by your legal definition of "brain dead". However, medical definitions are more fluid, and much more complex.

And then there is the "general usage" in everyday language of the term "brain dead".

This woman's cerebral cortex wouldn't even qualify as mush: it is liquid. Some parts of her brain ARE dead, some parts (the part of the brain which rules respiration) aren't.

But you miss the point, like everyone else is. WHO IS WAGING THIS COURT BATTLE AND WHAT DO THEY STAND TO GAIN?

The answer is the right wing extremist anti-abortion movement, and they hope to overturn nearly 20 years of progress in end of life care, the use of living wills and advance care directives legislation that protects individuals and families from these "religious" zealots taking control of our medical decision making rights as individuals, and replacing them with state and federal laws that control who gets to die when, and forces medical interventions and procedures on individuals whether they want them or not.

Now, why do you suppose the mainstream media isn't reporting those "facts" about this case? Answer: they need to kowtow to the Republican right agenda, in order to keep their grip on power over OUR airwaves.

And anybody who doesn't think this is a Republican party agenda doesn't know much about right wing zealotry in the US. Christian fundamentalist zealots don't join the Democratic party. They have, however, successfully taken over the Republican party, with their #1 religious zealot as president of the US.

BTW, in case you all haven't heard. The US Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal filed by the US House of Representatives group (ie Tom DeLay & his boys). I am guessing their refusal to hear the appeal, along with the Florida judge's ruling, will now end the appeal cycle by the parents. No judge in his right mind will go against the US Supreme Court. Of course, it is obvious there are a number of extremist right wing judges, particularly in the south, who aren't in their right minds, but in their Christian zealot ones, otherwise this case never would have seen the light of day.

The Florida legislature has, rightfully and sanely, refused to get involved in this case for a second time, because the last time they tried to intervene in the judicial branches business by passing "Terri's Law" they were promptly slapped down for it by an angry judiciary.

So now, it is just a matter of time before the woman dies, thankfully and mercifully for her and her husband, and depriving the National Right to Life Movement, Operation Rescue, et al of their current political football.

And as to the cable news network coverage. I found it highly ironic when watching CNN last night, when the reporter on the ground was asked how many "protestors" there were at the nursing home where Schiavo is a resident, answered that the numbers were very, very small: around 50 people during the day, and down to less than 10 by sundown.

You'd expect a bit more of a groundswell wouldn't you, if there was any sort of authentic public outcry over this issue? It also speaks volumes about the ability of the extreme right wing Republican movement to take over and monopolize the cable news and talk radio airwaves with their agenda, and conveniently keep the real news from getting through.