The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79424   Message #1438548
Posted By: GUEST
19-Mar-05 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Terri Schiavo Will Die
Subject: RE: BS: How Terri Schiavo Will Die
I don't think Terri Schiavo will die of old age. Even if today's Senate resolution becomes law, it will be immediately challenged in court on constitutional grounds that Schiavo's husband's and all spouses' constitutional rights are being violated by the law under the bill of attainder clause in the US Constitution. I believe she will die before this is finally resolved. At least, I sure hope she will, so her suffering will end. This way, she can die peacefully. If that tube gets put back in, I can't even imagine. It's already been removed and reinserted twice--once after 6 days when she MUST have been on death's doorstep. How long can her poor body last under such conditions? No one knows.

I really don't have any compassion left for her parents either. I've always felt it was about vengeance with them--towards the husband, and fueled by their intimate involvement with the Right to Life movement. If they are so gung ho to keep her alive, why the hell aren't they paying for her medical care--to the tune $80,000 per year, which we taxpayers are paying for, I might add.