The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79411   Message #1438765
Posted By: Dave'sWife
20-Mar-05 - 04:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Vegetative Woman Shuts Down US Gov't...
Subject: RE: BS: Vegatative Woman Shuts Down US Gov't...
My Grandmother is at present, lying in a hospital waiting to die after signing a DNR order and refusing any and all medications and interventions with the exception of a little pain medication once in a while. She may have days or maybe a couple of weeks. She is refusing food for the most part and is in peace. Her children are with her, as are some of her grandchildren, great-grandchildren and yes, even two Great-Great-Grandchildren have been by. I'm many thousands of miles awa, sadly.

This situation with Terry makes me so profoundly sad. I wish to Christ she had one tenth the PEACE my Grandma is enjoying right now.

While I am not all that fond of GUEST's manner of expression, Guest has one point. If you are old and your kids stand to inherit something..ain't nobody standing in the way of pulling the plug on you. Same goes if you are in a coma and somebody needs your organs. "Brain Death" keeps getting redefined and redefefined by the Medical profession to the point where now, they can and do 'harvest' the organs of a 'brain dead' person while their heart is still beating. You'd think Right-to-lifers would be freaking out about THIS practice. Nope. They aren't. Just unborn babies, Terry Schiavo and anyone else that can't talk back. Maybe they don't speak up about these live 'harvest' of organs because there is a shortage of organs. I dunno. I really don't. I just know that who and and who isn't 'Brain Dead" medically & legally can vary depending on who you ask and of what possible use the person is Dead.

I think that most people's Living Wills are safe, despite Guests assertion that the Schiavo case means they are not. Remember, she had no written document. I do agree however, that none of us really have the facts of this case because both sides of this case keep spinning the facts. I do think the Husband has gone down a pretty rogh road and yes, he could have divorced her. the parents say he hasn't because he wants her 'money.' It makes my head spin.

I just heard on the news that Dubbya plans to step in on this. Hooboy. Here we go again. of course, they could just be playing up some rumour for the prupose of sucking me into watching the next half hour of news. Could be, could be!

This poor woman. Perhaps she and my Grandmother will walk hand in hand into Eternity together, and soon.