The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79413   Message #1439158
Posted By: artbrooks
20-Mar-05 - 05:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
Subject: RE: BS: Libs....get your numbers straight....
While I have seen a number of different figures quoted, and I am personally unable to validate or debunk any of them, I'd be interested in knowing the source of Susu's Hubby's statement that Only 15000-20000 of the dead were actually Iraqi CIVILIANS. ... The rest of the 100,000 are attributed to Saddam's regular army, Republican guard, and the special guys in the white jump suits ( sorry, I forgot their names). Oh…let's throw in quite a few terrorists into the mix as well as well as other fighters that came in from Syria, and other terrorist supporting countries. They make up the remaining 80,000-85,000 dead. In other words, by far, the HUGE majority of the dead were BAD GUYS. He said that this came from a couple of web sites, and I have seen the ones with the 100,000 figure and the much smaller 10-15,000 figure. Where does the information that 80,000 (or so) of the known dead were Iraqi military, paramilitary or terrorists come from?