The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15821   Message #143926
Posted By: Mark Cohen
02-Dec-99 - 09:19 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Dog and Gun / Golden Glove
Subject: Dog and Gun -- another version?
On a now-lost tape I made from the radio a dozen years ago was a version of the song "DOG AND GUN" which is different from this one that's in the DT. It's the same story, about a woman who dressed as a man to snare the one she wanted instead of the one she was supposed to marry. But the words and the tune were different.
Does anyone know the other version, and who sang it? It was a male singer, in the tenor range. The first verse was something like:

A wealthy young squire in Downforth(?) did dwell
He courted a lady and he loved her right well
The day was appointed for their wedding day
And a farmer was appointed to give the bride away

As a bonus, here is a final verse I added on:

But what of the squire, what's happened to him?
He lost his true love, and things looked rather grim
But things in stories work out as they seldom do in life
For the farmer had a sister, who became the squire's wife

Mark Cohen