The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79411   Message #1439294
Posted By: Bobert
20-Mar-05 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Vegetative Woman Shuts Down US Gov't...
Subject: RE: BS: Vegatative Woman Shuts Down US Gov't...
No, it was Bush who had to buddy up with the parents and it was Bush (Karl Tove) who say this as yet another major leage distration... These folks love distartion as much a magician needs to distract while he trick you...

This has nothing to do with this poor woman's body... The spirit has been gone for the last 15 years...

Yeah, all these Right-to-Lifers, the womans parent's inclided, see this as a wonderfull opportunity to stick it to the progressives and they are, by golly, going to do it...

That is the most sickening about this...

This poor woman's body has just become yet another Willie Horton for Karl Rove...

And on Palm Sunday??? What a collasal misunderstanding about life, death, forgiveness and Salvation. If Jesus were here in the flesh and observing this spectickle that the Repubs have pulled off today, He would puke...
