The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79424   Message #1439619
Posted By: GUEST
21-Mar-05 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: How Terri Schiavo Will Die
Subject: RE: BS: How Terri Schiavo Will Die
To me, it just shows how contemptuous of the law the Republican right truly is on these matters. This intervention has nothing to do with the woman's life. This is about the Christian fundamentalist driven Republican right slapping down the judiciary, and trampling the rule of law and the US constitution in the process, because it doesn't put their religious views above the law.

Tom DeLay said it all when asked at the press conference on Saturday, how the Republican leadership could lead such an intervention which violated their long standing support of states' rights and hysteria mongering over the sanctity of marriage (you know, that gay thing...).

His response was "the sanctity of life trumps the sanctity of marriage and states' rights".

Many mainstream newspapers are now talking about how this latest grandstanding by the Republican political leaders is being used to set the stage for the 2006 election. The depths of depravity these scum stoop to simply boggles the mind.