The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79485   Message #1439842
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
21-Mar-05 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: How good is your folk club?
Subject: RE: How good is your folk club?
Certainly goes for mine, but probably not in the way you might think.

We have guest nights only three or four times a year, so singers nights abound. Numbers range from twenty or so down to a "committee meeting" of seven plus two audients (who never miss one).

It makes no difference, as those attending enjoy them immensely. The takings average out to allow us to pay our guests, provide food on special occasions, and even offer free admission to our Christmas guest night, something we don't normally advertise widely for obvious reasons.

Those in the know usually come, and it's one of the high spots of the year. The raffle tends to pay for the next round of advertising.

I'd say that the "only as good as the last singers night" tag works pretty well for us.

Don T.