The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78664   Message #1440364
Posted By: katlaughing
22-Mar-05 - 06:25 AM
Thread Name: kat and the apnea..did ye sleep? Buteyko in US!
Subject: RE: BS: kat and the apnea...did ye sleep?
FWIW, I have now used the CPAP for three nights, for about 4 hours each night, using the nasal aireII cannula, linked above. It seems to be doing a good job and is tolerable, up to a point. I figure I will gradually work up to a whole night.

I cannot say I've noticed a huge improvement, yet, but I have noticed subtle things which I think could be quite significant in the long run: lots less tossing and turning, MUCH less aching muscles, esp. in my neck and shoulders, etc. In short, better quality of sleep. I am mostly relieved at getting past the psycholigical and physical hurdle of having something on my face and binding up my head with straps!

THANKS to each and every one of you who helped with suggestions, support, and PM's! I would highly recommend the nasal aireII.


P.S. Forgot to say with the NAII, I've traded in the Dumbo's mom image for that of "I am the Walrus!" thanks to Rog's quick *wit*...LOL