The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79525   Message #1441123
Posted By: GUEST,Barrie Roberts
22-Mar-05 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: P & O Steamships Ballad
Subject: RE: P & O Steamships Ballad -- Lyric Wanted
Forty plus years ago I worked with a bloke who had served in the Uk Merchant Navy aboard P & O ships.
He used to sing snatches of a song (to the tune of 'Villikins and Dinah') which he had acquired aboard P & O boats. He said it had a verse for every port between London and Sydney.
He'd forgotten much of it and I've forgotten more since.
I recall the opening and one other verse:
....and, in fact, I can't even recall all of that verse!

Anyone out there know all of it?