The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79457   Message #1441242
Posted By: susu
22-Mar-05 - 11:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Libs- Beware of......
Subject: RE: BS: Libs- Beware of......
I would really like to see the mud slinging stop here you know? I think that everyone of us can agree that one death of an innocent person is too much, right? So let us find common ground and remember that we are all compassionate humans who do not wish to see innocent people suffer. I truly believe that everyone on mudcat feels that way based on their posts. I also believe that for the most part, each of you feels that they are 100% correct in their beliefs as if you didn't then you wouldn't believe it right? There is no way for any of us to decide what is right or wrong, and while I have tried not to get into a political debate I may be opening myself up to one. I will try and not get my feelings hurt by what response this may bring but this is what I think... I do not presume to know what the true motivation for us being in Iraq/Afghanistan are, but after Sept. 11, I do not want to see our country attacked like that again, yet I personally feel that we should at least be trying to ease out by now, and let them control their own country. I wish there was another way for us to help them achieve freedom, and maybe there was, but sadly it wasn't implemented if there was, and so sadly, what's done is done. That being said, I also feel that too many times people (other Government bodies) think that someone else will do the dirty work, so nobody does anything, so that is where America finds itself in a tough spot, for we are proponents of freedom, but does that make us right? Why should we force our views on other countries? I mean, why stop with the Middle East? Why not Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland? They are not democratic societies, so why not view them as oppressed too? Maybe because they are allies? I honestly do not know. I am so confused I don't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt! You know? Let me say that I love Hubby more than words can say, because he is a wonderful man, but he isn't always 100% correct either, but he truly strives to understand all viewpoints. He is a loveable Redneck, in the sense that he loves to fish and camp, and actually enjoys the simple things in life. I am not trying to defend him per se, as he can do that on his own. But I just thought it would be nice to say a little something about my views, and let everyone know that I do not agree with him everytime, and we do discuss each others POV, but we have a mutual respect for them, and I cannot speak for him but I actually respect every one of you guys' POV. I think he does too, because he does that with everyone I know. Well, I think I have said enough, and hopefully my babling didn't lose too many of you, as I know I tend to ramble. Take care all, and if you have any posts directed toward me, could you also send me a copy in a PM so I will be sure to get it? Post it hre for everyone else as well, but I don't want to miss anything. Thanks! Susu