The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79469   Message #1441390
Posted By: RobbieWilson
23-Mar-05 - 06:54 AM
Thread Name: Gospel music is Gaelic? UK TV 21 Mar
Subject: RE: Gospel music is Gaelic? UK TV 21 Mar
As well as he could in the circumstances given the size and difficulty of the issue and the constraint of a one hour prog. It seems to me symptomatic of current TV formats that a very interesting question was raised but ended up with a very superficial treatment, while the controversial side was constantly stirred. As I remember it only one of those asked for their opinion of the profs opinion was actualy presented with any music/evidence and he reversed his opiniom/gut reaction.

We have a middle class English actor, who has changed his name to something he feels more appropriate than the one given to him by his parents, talking with authority on the history of music in America. We are supposed to give him credence because he is a TV personality who appears in a popular soap.

I thought the programme raised some very interesting questions on which most people like me are not in any position to draw definitive conclusions on. There has been some very interesting and informed ccomment in this thread as a follow on. It is just a huge shame that the British media is so pathetic that we are unlikely to see this issue looked at in any depth, with an emphasis on research rather than celebrity opinion.