The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79469   Message #1441943
Posted By: greg stephens
23-Mar-05 - 05:33 PM
Thread Name: Gospel music is Gaelic? UK TV 21 Mar
Subject: RE: Gospel music is Gaelic? UK TV 21 Mar
Thanks to those now producing the obvious references to the fact that this style of singing is nothing uniquely to do with the Scottish Gaelic culture of the Isle of Lewis; this was merely a bit of TV bollocks to provoke controversy. The truth of folklore(insofar as we can approach it) is always more interesting than the fakelore, even if TV moguls think bogus arguments are more fun.
Music is beautiful, as are different peoples' interactions with each other. But the programme was half good, because it made us listen to music and think about it. Why they felt they had to include the drivel is their problem.
    And now, the chord sequence of Thomas A Dorsey's "Precious Lord Take my Hand", the start of modern gospel. But surely Elizbethan English?