The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79532   Message #1442003
Posted By: Little Hawk
23-Mar-05 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
Ah dinna ken whit ye're on aboot this time, Davetona. Fae the benefit o' them whit cannae follow yer line o' reasonin', hae the daysensy tae explain yersel a wee bit, laddy. William Shatner is a Jew, and he got along fine wi' Scotty despite the fact that the warp drive wis always crapping oot at the wairst moment. Are you implyin' that Mr Scott wis tryin' tae sabotage the Enterprise??? If so, it's a low blow, it is. Ye've insulted both Jews AND Scots in my opinion, and shuid make up fer that wi' a formal apology! Och, aye!