The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79443   Message #1442212
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
23-Mar-05 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: A year, already - Raise a glass to Rick
Subject: RE: A year, already - Raise a glass to Rick
I was listening to This One's the Dreamer just the other day and I have to say I got a little teary eyed listening to the last song on that album. Mainly I knew Rick through his postings here, and through his music, and I still have those when ever I want them. I mainly miss the attitude he had...the man was unembarrassedly kind and honest,and you could tell he just naturally liked and trusted people. I always thought I'd get to meet him someday, and still hope so. Until then, I am sure I'll continue to see his comments in the threads, and be gladdened that, in some way, he'll always be part of the conversation here.