The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79534   Message #1442476
Posted By: Azizi
24-Mar-05 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: Musical Roots
Subject: RE: Musical Roots
Sorry, I should have said that the link that I included in my last post provides a historical timeline of events, as well as additional URLs for further study.

See this example from the beginning of that chart:

ca. 600
1000) Bantu migration extends to southern Africa; Bantu languages will predominate in central and southern Africa. Emergence of southeastern African societies, to become the stone city-states of Zimbabwe, Dhlo-Dhlo, Kilwa, and Sofala, which flourish through 1600.
Advent of Islam
Khalif Omar conquers Egypt with Islamic troups.

Islam sweeps across North Africa; Islamic faith eventually extends into many areas of sub-Saharan African (to ca. 1500)
Arab Slave Trade, from A.D./C.E. 700 to 1911: Estimates place the numbers of Africans sold in this system somewhere around 14 million: at least 9.6 million African women and 4.4 African men. The Forgotten Holocaust: The Eastern Slave Trade KAMMAASI / Sankofa Project Guide, 1999:

740 Islamicized Africans (Moors) invade Spain, and rule it unti1 1492. The Moors brought agriculture, engineering, mining, industry, manufacturing, architecture, and scholarship, developing Spain into the center for culture and learning throughout Europe for almost 800 years until the fall of Granada in 1492.


Also sorry for the typos in my posts [the preceding one and others].