The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79523   Message #1442497
Posted By: GUEST,Fountainfox
24-Mar-05 - 08:42 AM
Thread Name: So what's your stool like ?
Subject: RE: So what's your stool like ?
I have a couple of the folding metal ones mentioned in connection with WallyWorld. I am 6-1 and do wish they were a tad taller.

Someone else mentioned a milking stool, and some of these have three legs. I can offer a caution here, based on personal experience:

In what seems another lifetime ago, the late sixties, I was a copywriter with a Milwaukee ad agency and a part of Johnsons Wax was one of our accounts. That company is headquartered -- or was then -- in a modern-looking building designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.Wright also designed the desks and chairs that were in use inside.

A couple of us from the agency went down there one day to talk to a few of the bigwigs. Being the most junior person there, I, of course, got the chair the guy whose office it was pulled out of the corner. I noticed it had three legs, while the chairs for the others all had four.

The guy started saying "Be caref--" and I was on the floor faster than if tehre had been no chair there at all. Brilliant as he was, Wright had designed the thing so that there were two legs in the rear, like any four-legged chair, but with the third leg in the center of the front with a squared-out seat. I did manage to sit on the thing, but it was legs apart and both feet on the floor.

I understood why the guy kept this chair in the corner. I didn't understand why the company kept them around at all, unless it was their sense of humor.

So my caution is -- if you see anything with three legs, try it every which way.