The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79562   Message #1442499
Posted By: GUEST,Koike Nishimura
24-Mar-05 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Godzilla faked his own death!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Godzilla faked his own death!!!
A total overseas news blackout has been effected, in order to protect the Yen. You would never suspect anything is happening if you were not here in Japan. This is why I make sure to use the Internet to inform people.

More electrifying developments! Godzilla has incinerated 756 corporate lawyers who were gathering to discuss the legal ramifications of this extraordinary event. This has resulted in a surprising wave of sympathy for Godzilla on the part of the ordinary public. Godzilla claims that it was simply a sneeze that came unexpectedly upon him while the lawyers were presenting subpoenas and making their legal arrangements on the grounds of Nijo Castle.

Mass demonstrations have taken over the streets. 100,000 union members protesting against Godzilla clashed today with 250,000 university students in support of Godzilla, resulting in many injuries and property destructions and heavily overtaxing the Kyoto police force. Extra detachments of riot police are being sent from all over Japan.

Many Japanese are saying that the country will be better off without the 756 lawyers who perished in the "sneezing" incident.

I will keep you all informed as the amazing events progress here.