The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79534   Message #1443217
Posted By: Azizi
25-Mar-05 - 12:03 AM
Thread Name: Musical Roots
Subject: RE: Musical Roots
Pauline L,

One of the things that I like best about Mudcat is that it is an international forum. There are opportunities for people from diverse places and cultures to exchange ideas and opinions with each other.

My comments that "native" and "African bush" have negative connotations is an opinion. I believe that some other people of African descent would agree, and some would disagree and say that I am making much to do about nothing...

Be that as it may, I would prefer that people used the same terms that they would use for persons of European descent. For instance, I believe that if people wanted a quick way to refer to French people who are indigenous to that nation {their families had lived there for generations}, they would say native French people-just as Torctgyd -used the phrases "native New Englander or native New Yorker".

And as to 'the African bush', what about the phrases "rural areas"; "outside the urban areas or cities; "the countryside";
"the forests"; or "the heavily forested areas"? I'd stay away from the word 'jungle' since largely thanks to Tarzan, that word has also become muddied with patronizing and old school prejudicial undertones.

Is this political correctness? Perhaps..and if so, is political correctness alway wrong??

Please let me reiterate that my comments are opinions, and are neither a mandate nor a criticism.
