The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79610   Message #1443363
Posted By: chico
25-Mar-05 - 06:56 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'There dwelt a man in babylon'
Subject: Lyr Req: 'There dwelt a man in babylon'
I'm trying to get the complete chords & lyrics for all the "shakespeare" ssociated music. Right now I'm trying to complete "There dwelt a man in babylon". Reference is the "Broadside band: Songs and dances of shakespeare". I have the chords and 95% of the verses on the recording. There are a few words unintelligible, also there are other verses which were unrecorded due to the length of the song (They are in the booklet that comes with the CD, which I lost a long time ago).

Here is what I have

       Em    Bm      Em          G       A       B7
There dwelt a man in Babylon of reputation great by fame
    Em      Bm    Em             G             A       B7
He took to wife a fair woman, Susannah she was called by name
Em G    Bm       C B    Em    B
A woman fair and virtuous, Lady, Lady,
Em    G   Bm      C       B       Em   B Em
Why should we not of her [trust] to live godly

That year two judges there were made which were the elders of Babylon
To Joachim's house was all ?? ??played who was Susannah's husband then
Joachim was a great rich man, Lady, Lady
These elders oft to his house came for this lady

These elders came to her her anon, and thus they said
'Fair dame, Godspeed, thy doors are fast thy maids are gone
Consent to us and do this deed for we are men of no distrust, lady lady
And yet to thee we have a lust' O faire lady

If that to us thou dost say nay a testimonial we will bring
We will say that one with thee lay how canst thou avoid the thing
Therefore consent and to us turn
Lady Lady, for we to thee with lust do burn, o faire lady

Then did she sigh and say 'alas, o woe is me' ??? ? ?
Was ever wrench in such a case, Shall I consent and do this deed
Whether I do or do it not, Lady, lady, it is my death right well I wought, o true lady

Better it were for me to fall into your hands this day guitless
Then that I should consent at all to this your shameful wickedness
Have need me that will as? she stood
Lady Lady, until to the lord she cried aloud pitifully

These elders both likewise again,
Against susannah aloud did cried
Their filthy lust could not obtain their wickedness they sought to hide
Unto her friends they then her brought, lady lady, and with all speed the life they sought of that lady