The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15741   Message #144418
Posted By: SingsIrish Songs
03-Dec-99 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: boys won't date girls who smoke
Subject: RE: BS: boys won't date girls who smoke
It's a personal choice if someone won't date someone who smokes...

When I went off to college and was away from my smoking parents, I realized how horrible my clothes used to smell. I can't imagine how my clothes smelled to my classmates when I was in gradeschool. But then again, perhaps the majority of grownups smoked, too.

I know it would be a factor for me in dating (well, at least cigarette and cigars)--cigarette and cigar smoke are definitely more offensive than pipe smoke. (I have always loved going into the tobacconists shops and inhaling the wonderful aromas of pipe tobacco, though I am not a smoker.

I do like the legislations in the States that prohibit smoking in public places, including bars.

Another factor that really affects me is seeing how my Dad has been affected by smoking. He smoked til he just couldn't anymore--sense of smell got too sensitive. He is now living what is left of his limited life--he suffers from progressive emphysema that is well advanced. Even surgery wasn't a permanent "treatment". Imagine breathing with lungs that are working only at 11%--might be less than that now....It is sad, and he isn't that old either!

Yeah, we aren't going to live forever, but should making the "most of it" include doing something that may cut it drastically short?

Anyway, to each his own.
