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Thread #79610   Message #1444773
Posted By: Jim Dixon
27-Mar-05 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'There dwelt a man in babylon'
Subject: Lyr Add: THE CONSTANCY OF SUSANNA (from Bodleian)
Here's my transcription of the broadside. (See the link above.) I have put the differences between this and the above transcription in boldface, not counting differences in spelling and punctuation, which I have modernized. Note that there is still one word I am uncertain of, which I have marked with (?).


There was a man in Babylon
    Of reputation great by fame.
He took to wife a fair woman.
    Susanna was she called by name,
A woman fair and virtuous,
        Lady, lady.
Why should not we of her learn thus
        To live godly?

Virtuously her life she led.
    She fearèd God. She stood in awe.
As in the story you may read,
    Was well brought up in Moses' law.
Her parents they were godly folk,
        Lady, lady.
Why should we not then talk
        Of this lady?

That year two judges there was made
    Which were the elders of Babylon.
To Ioachim's house was all their trade,
    Who was Susanna's husband then.
Ioachim was a great rich man,
        Lady, lady.
These elders oft to his house came
        For this lady.

Ioachim had an orchard by
    Fast joining to his house or place,
Whereas Susanna commonly
    Herself did daily there solace;
And that these elders soon espied,
        Lady, lady,
And privately themselves did hide
        For that lady.

Her chaste and constant life was tried
    By these elders of Babylon.
A time convenient they espied
To have this lady all alone.
    In this orchard, it came to pass,
        Lady, lady,
Where she alone herself did wash
        Her fair body.

These elders came to her anon,
    And thus they said, "Fair dame, godspeed.
The doors are fast. The maids are gone.
    Consent to us and do this deed,
For we are men of no mistrust,
        Lady, lady,
And yet to thee we have a lust,
        O fair lady.

"If that to us thou dost say nay,
    A testimonial we will bring.
We will say that one with thee lay.
    How canst thou avoid this thing?
Therefore consent and to us turn,
        Lady, lady,
For we to thee in lust do burn,
        O fair lady."

Then did she sigh and said, "Alas!
    Now woe is me on every side.
Was ever wretch in such a case?
    Shall I consent and do this deed?
Whether I do or do it not,
        Lady, lady,
It is my death right well I wot,
        O true lady.

"Better it were for me to fall
    Into your hands and be guiltless
Than that I should consent at all
    To this your shameful wickedness."
And even with that (whereas she stood),
        Lady, lady,
Unto the Lord she cried aloud

These elders both likewise again,
    Against Susanna aloud they cried.
Their filthy lust could not obtain.
    Their wickedness they sought to hide.
Unto her friends they then her brought,
        Lady, lady,
And with all speed the life was sought
        Of that lady.

On the morrow she was brought forth
    Before the people for to stand,
That they might hear and know the truth,
    How these two elders Susanna found.
The elders swore and thus did say,
        Lady, lady,
How that they saw a young man lay
        With this lady.

Judgement there was for one offence.
    Susanna causeless she must die.
These elders bore such evidence
    Against her they did derive(?),
Who were believèd then indeed,
        Lady, lady,
Against Susanna to proceed
        That she should die.

Susanna's friends that stood her by,
    They did lament and were full woe,
When as they saw no remedy
    But that to death she then must go.
Then unto Him that is so just,
        Lady, lady,
In God was all her hope and trust.
        To him they cry.

The Lord her voice heard and beheld
    The daughters cry of Israel.
His spirit he raisèd in a child
    Whose name was called young Daniel,
Who cried aloud whereas he stood,
        Lady, lady,
"I am clear of the guiltless blood,
        Of this lady.

"Are you such fools? (quoth Daniel then)
    In judgement you have not done well,
Nor yet the right way have you gone
    To judge the daughter of Israel
By this witness of false disdain,
        Lady, lady,
Wherefore to judgement turn again,
        For that lady."

And when to judgement they were set,
    He callèd for these wicked men,
And soon he did them separate,
    Putting the one from th' other then.
He asked the first where he did see
        That fair lady.
He said, "Under a mulberry tree,"
        Who lied falsely.

"Thou liest. (saith Daniel) On thy head
    Thy sentence is before the Lord."
He bad that forth he might be led
    And bring the other that bare record
To see how they two did agree,
        Lady, lady.
He said, "Under a pomegranate tree,"
        Who lied falsely.

Said Daniel as he did before,
    "Behold! The messenger of the Lord
Stands waiting for you at the door
    Even to cut thee with a sword."
And even with that the multitude
        Aloud did cry,
"Give thanks to God and to conclude
        For this lady."

They dealt like with these wicked men
    According as the Scripture saith.
They did as with their neighbour then
    By Moses' law were put to death.
She innocent preservèd was,
        Lady, lady,
As God by Daniel brought to pass
        For this lady.