The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79532   Message #1444871
Posted By: John MacKenzie
27-Mar-05 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
Subject: RE: BS: Anti-semmitism rife in Scotland
Hallow therr pals 'n chinas, ah've bin awa fur a couple o' days, an' mair important, nichts, ah've been gaun tae ma pit at fower in the mornin. Me at ma ripe auld age, ah've no been up at thon time since Adam wis a bairn! Noo whin I mentioned that therr wis this super intelligent threed oan ra intersneck aboot semmits an' liberty boadices, weel some wumman said oot lood in a pained an' strainglet voice, "SMELLY RUBBER BUTTONS" richt oot lood like, an in front o'weans tae! She said the buttons oan hurr liberty boadice wis rubber, an' she aye mindit the awfy smell o' them. Ring oany bells oot therr??