The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28733   Message #1445135
Posted By: Judy Cook
27-Mar-05 - 06:04 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Alphabet Song variations
When I was young we used to sing nursery rhymes to the tune of McNamara's band with a chorus of the alphabet to the same tune.

Nowadays I sing the one of the Lumberman's Alphabets from Doerflinger's collection. Probably a parody of the Sailor's Alphabet above.

sung by Willis Norrad of New Brunswick, Canada

A is for Ax, and that we all know,
And B is for Boy that can use it also;
C is for Chopping we first do begin,
And D is for Danger we often fall in.

So merry, so merry are we,
No mortals on earth are as happy as we.
T'me I derry O derry I derry down,
Use shanty boys well and there's nothing goes wrong.

E is for Echo that through the woods rang.
And F is for Foreman, the head of our gang;
G is for Grindstone at night we do turn,
And H is for Handle so smoothly worn.

I is for Iron which we mark our pine,
And J is for Jovial - we're always incline';
K is for Keen Edge our axes we keep,
And L is for Lice that keep us from sleep.

M is for Moss which we chink our camp,
And N is for Needle with which we mend our pants;
O is for Owl which hooted at night,
And P is for Pine which we always fall right.

Q is for Quickness we put ourselves to,
R is for River we haul the logs to;
S is for Sleds we haul the logs on,
T is the Team that pulls them along.

U is for Uses we put ourselves to,
And V is Valley we haul the logs through;
And W is for Woods we leave in the spring,
And now I have sung all I'm going to sing.

X is for Christmas when the yarding's all done,
Y is for Yonder, the set of the sun;
Zed is for Zero in the cold winter time,
And now I have brought all the letters in rhyme.


from Songs of the Sailor and Lumberman by William Main Doerflinger.
This is one of the oldest songs of the logger's life in camp - probably from the first half of the 1800's.    The "iron was the "stamping iron" or "branding ax" to gougue the owner's mark into a log - kinda like branding cattle.