The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79695   Message #1445645
Posted By: GUEST,jOhn
28-Mar-05 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Thanks El Ted
Subject: RE: BS: Thanks El Ted
heloo= is defineteley me, and i can prove it, becase i been in pub today with ted and his woman caleed pennie , and we rink loads of bears and ted lended me money to pay me rent, and im fed up of people say bad things about other peoople [ted etc] , and they just trying to make truboolee, there is plenty of really good people on mudcat, = [like ted, greg stevens, and skipiack8 etc, and peoplee like that, ], but to many wankers andf moany peoplle [and they knoew who they are1, and thats wyhy i dont look at mudcat much any more .
anyway= i thought skipack waas a wanker, before, but he isent, hes ok, hes a good bloke, he said something about me spelling and that, and piss me off, but he was just joking.
he send me a letter [a refrence], on thick paper, and i was happy , he put some nice stuff aout me= ["i known john for ages, and he always turn up if he say he turningf up, and that [ mean relibale etc], and he told me= "if you get truck driver licence, i might able to give yioou truck drivingf job", his make me happy as well, becase of chance for job , in thyat time i said " i will nick one " [ i know plenty of thieeefs", he sayd "dont nick one, becase, its impotrtant to be honest nowadays",m this is god idea, bwxcases = if you nick stuff, or even if you buy nicked stuff you couldgo to jail, and loose your job, so wehn i can, i willl do truck driving licence test, i know sonebody waht did ot, caled graham, he said its easy, but just have to try hard etc, and not fart about.john