The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77879   Message #1445772
Posted By: GUEST,The Shambles
29-Mar-05 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Censorship on Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Censorship on Mudcat
Glad you overcome the problems Shambles. And I am well aware of quite a few who have similar problems......and I make no fun of them....nor do I make fun of you. I'm well aware also that a number of us have some mental health problems actually diagnosed.

You do not seem to be aware that you never 'overcome' these problems. Folk are constantly struggling with them and whatever progress they may make in tackling them and whatever confidence they may have slowly gained - can be destroyed by a single casual remark, action or needless personal judgement made of their abilities.

Over a long period - Max's Mudcat Forum has been very helpful to me in building up the confidence to express myself in writing. I would like to see it remain a place where others would also feel safe and free to also be able to build-up their confidence and tackle what ever difficulties they may have. Without being judged.

If sometimes appears that folk now are being encouraged to think that what our forum is now only about - is for posting personal judgements of the worth of other posters and their right to post.

The idea that there are good posters and bad posters is not a judgement made publicly by Max - it is a matter only of personal taste. There are only good posts - (the ones that you find interesting to read and may respond to) and not so good posts (the ones that don't interest you and you will not respond to).

As it is possible for posts from the same poster to fall into both catagories - the idea that you should be encouraged to judge any poster to be a good poster or a bad poster is clearly nonsense and counter-productive.